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Global East Region
affecting change, making decisions
one community at a time

 WOCPSCN's BOT | Global East Regional Director Surekha Shinde meeting with the executive committee of Amravati district Maharashtra NGO...Great job. April 2024

"On Monday, April 22nd, I had the opportunity to visit Vadnera Village in the Amravati district. During my visit, I connected with ASHRU NGO, which is actively involved in addressing the challenges faced by the community. I've attached a few photos from my visit for your reference. Vadnera Village is characterized by low-income households, where domestic violence is unfortunately prevalent. Women in this community primarily work as farm laborers while also caring for their children. However, the situation is compounded by the presence of alcoholic family members, often leading to further distress and hardship for the women. It's evident that this community is deeply entrenched in gender inequality, with women bearing the brunt of domestic challenges. Addressing these issues requires concerted efforts to promote gender equality and provide support systems for those in need. I'll keep you updated on further developments and initiatives." 

Third Annual Lena Bake DV & Women Health Summit

Women's Building, San Francisco, CA


Pernell Walker in Four Women one-woman play
Oakland, CA 10.28.2023

Fr. Steven A. Privett Living the Mission Award, University of San Francisco

  JazzyJZ Achievement Awards 3.31.23

WOCPSCN International Education Commitment, God's Planet for Haiti School, Adopted 2011
AM Power Networking Community Events, Nuce Nuce Deli, Antioch CA 2011
Biannual Lavendar Luncheon, International Advisory  Council Fund Raiser, San Francisco, CA, 2012
JazzyJZ 1st Achievements Awards with USF School of Architect Design for God's Planet for Haiti Elementary School
  San Francisco, CA 2014


    Women of African Diaspora Griots-Harlem (NY)           2017     
  Hurricane Maria Fundraiser, hosted by Afropolitian
Global Sustainability Partnerships Convene
January 2022                                                                              March 2022

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WOCPSCN's Personal Meeting Room
Nova Lorraine, MSc
DISCLAIMER:   WOCPSCN cannot financially support any individual or organization.  However, as per our core values to support gender equity and community development, WOCPSCN (and consequently the Global Sustainability Partnership Programme), acts as an enabler between changemakers, organizations, and businesses to ensure global alliances as well as multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaborations for measurable impact and action. WOCPSCN cannot be held liable for any comments, discussions, or content presented by any guests or speakers during any programmes designated by WOCPSCN (GSP) and all initiatives within this organization.

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